Exceptional thyroid cancer diagnostics
The Afirma® Genomic Sequencing Classifier (GSC) is used in thyroid nodule assessment to help patients avoid unnecessary diagnostic surgeries and inform treatment decisions.
- Screening
- Diagnosis
- Prognosis/treatment selection
- Recurrence monitoring
The Afirma GSC clarifies diagnosis and informs treatment decisions

The Afirma GSC helps physicians personalize thyroid cancer diagnosis and treatment decisions for their patients with thyroid nodules. The test was developed with RNA whole-transcriptome sequencing and advanced machine learning technology. This provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating thyroid nodules. The test helps rule out cancer in thyroid nodules when traditional test results are inconclusive. Historically, many such patients underwent surgery on nodules that ultimately proved to be benign, meaning the surgery was unnecessary.
For patients with suspected or diagnosed thyroid cancer, the Afirma GSC provides actionable information about their tumor’s genes to help physicians confidently guide treatment decisions.

Identify benign or suspicious thyroid nodules without surgery and gain insights for treatment
Veracyte’s Afirma GSC is performed on the same fine needle aspiration (FNA) sample that is used for initial cytopathology review. If that result is unclear, the Afirma GSC uses advanced genomic technology to identify the nodule as either benign or suspicious for cancer, without surgery. Patients with benign nodules are typically monitored, while those with suspicious nodules may be directed to surgery. Afirma GSC testing also provides important gene mutation information to guide treatment decisions for patients with nodules that are suspicious for cancer.

Avoid unnecessary surgery by identifying truly benign patients
Inform surgery and treatment decisions
Serving patients across the US
The Afirma GSC is available to clinicians and their patients in the US and is performed in Veracyte’s CLIA-certified laboratory. The test is covered by Medicare and most private payers, making the test a covered benefit for approximately 275 million people. The test is also made available outside of the US on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about the Afirma GSC
Patel KN, et al. JAMA Surg. 2018.
Nasr C, et al. JCEM. 2022.
The Afirma Genomic Sequencing Classifier is available in the US as part of Veracyte’s CLIA-validated laboratory developed test (LDT) service. This test has not been cleared or approved by the FDA.
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